
Entity Definition

Logical Name : FuelSalesLineItem
Physical Name : TR_LTM_SLS_FUEL

A sub-type of SaleReturnLineItem recording the collection of money in return for the fuel dispensed by a FuellingTransaction.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TransactionID (FK)(PK) A universally unique identifier (UUID) for the Transaction. This may be assembled from alternate key members. ID_TRN IdentityUUID char(32)
RetailTransactionLineItemSequenceNumber (FK)(PK) The sequence number of line item within the context of this RetailTransaction. IC_LN_ITM LineNumber smallint
RetailStoreID (FK) A unique retailer assigned identifier for an RetailStore, DistributionCenter or AdministrationCenter ID_BSN_UN Identity integer FuelingPoint(AS_PNT_FUEL)
FuelingTransactionID (FK) A unique identifier for the fuelling transaction ID_TRN_FUEL Identity integer FuelingTransaction(EV_TR_FUEL)
PrepayFuelingPointID (FK) A unique identifier for the FuelingPoint at a particular retail store ID_PNT_FUEL Identity integer FuelingPoint(AS_PNT_FUEL)
FuelSaleStatusCode A status code denoting the mode of the Fuel Sale. Possible values are: Prepay: Where the FuelSaleLineItem happens before the FuellingTransaction PostPay: Where the FuelSaleLineItem happens after the Fuelling Transaction PrepayRefund: Where the FuelSaleLineItem happens after a Prepay FuelSaleLineItem and the matching FuellingTransaction did not use all of the money SC_SLS_FUEL Code2Status char(2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
FuelingPoint is authorized by FuelSalesLineItem
FuelingTransaction is sold via FuelSalesLineItem
SaleReturnLineItem can be a FuelSalesLineItem

Logical Views containing FuelSalesLineItem

Logical View
Logical 02300 - Retail Transaction - Macro View
Logical 02310 - Retail Transaction - Item Sale View
Logical 02311 - Retail Transaction Item KIT Sale View
Logical 20000 - Forecourt Macro View
Logical 20030 - Forecourt Transaction View